Krown is your digital wingman in the real world. We help you meet great people at places and events you love, making dating fun and easy.

See who is single within the venue
See others that are at the same place as you & meet instantly 👀
Get started

Login with Facebook, Apple or Email
Start out in less than 30 seconds!
Swipe 💓
Now you are putting yourself out there and your journey begins – Exciting!

Start chatting 💬
You already know where to meet them. Meet now or start chatting!

Never share your phone number again🦺📱
Scan and match safely with your camera when meeting in real life adding an extra layer of privacy and reducing risk.
Android? We got you covered soon
About Krown
Krown was developed in New York City by a Danish founder.
Our vision is to change the way people interact – one meeting at a time!